6.11 Conditionals
6.11.1 丫,、
- 丫: imagine a data flow that is importing in, and there are two paths it can be exported out.ideograph
6.11.2 并、戈
- 并: simplified from 𠀤 in ancient chinese, means merge two or more than two objects as one, stands for and in Ming.ideograph
6.11.3 当、肖,夬
- 夬: simplified from 缺/决 in ancient chinese, means absent/burst, stands for when no conditions or cases take effect in Ming.
Imagine that the data flow is importing in, lots of conditions and cases are implemented as export paths, 夬 is a breaking point for data to export when no valid conditions and cases are effective.ideograph
> (当 [(? 0) (displayln "positive number")] [(? 0) (displayln "negative number")] [夬 (displayln "neither positive or negative number")]) neither positive or negative number
> (肖 (+ 1 1) [(1) (displayln "result is 1")] [(2) (displayln "result is 2")] [夬 (displayln "result is neither 1 or 2")]) result is 2
6.11.4 非
🐘 𥟍
6.11.5 References
(require ming/racket/base) | package: ming |