Archlinux on Chromebook

/ Tutorial

I’ve heard the reputation of Archlinux for a very long time, and perpetually notice some issues I am trying to fix are documented by ArchWiki. But the truth is I never tried to use it, because the installation seems too tedious and Ubuntu is still workable at present. What dictates me to use Archlinux is the prolonged audio issue spread through multiple versions of Ubuntu on my Chromebook.

GGFSM project and my next plan about Ming

/ racket, english

For the past month, I’ve been dedicating myself on the developing of GGFSM, which is a website that draw graphs with the given prices and volumes data of stocks from Shanghai and Shengzhen stock exchange. As one of my toys wrote in racket and ming-language, the main purpose of this project is enhancing ming lang, and making clear what the next plan should be about it.

how to speed-read the book EOPL

/ racket, 教程, english

Cast my mind back to the first time I learn programming, around that time I was struggling to figure out all the ingredients about programming through reading books, back then I remember the boring feeling so clearly. Eventally I was obliged to give up the reading and tried to learn programming through directly writing code to resovle tiny problems I’d confronted.


/ 教程


My thought and announcing of racket package Yijing

/ racket, package, english

Most recently, I’m very passionate about chinese classical culture. If we take a deep look at the core of chinese culture, we are going to notice all of them include Traditional Chinese Medicine and 24 solar terms and even the way how ancient chinese recording time as their calendar, which is a mix of solar calendar and lunar calendar, are derived from Yijing. In a way, we can say that almost all the chinese things are built on the top of ideas of Yijing, although to this day the importance of it has been diminished by the developing of modern western science.